INVOCATION Murphy Hanley, Polk County Fire Rescue Chaplain PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (RICK WILSON, CHAIR)
B.1. The 164th Birthday of Polk County Proclamation
C.1. Kevin Noble - Alturas Road & Alturas Loop Road, Road Conditions
C.2. Comments.
D.1. Approve Consent Agenda.
E.1. Disbursements.
E.2. Minutes of Regular Board meeting held on January 21, 2025.
H.1. Approval for CSA 2021-026-02, NCLF Transfer Station Site Improvements - Design and Permitting. (Not to exceed $476,512.93)
H.2. Approve agreement with CPH Consulting, LLC, for architectural & engineering services for the Polk County utilities northeast regional warehouse-operations building & fleet facility. ($210,909.00 one-time expense for phase I; $56,945.43 from General Fund and $153,963.57 from Utilities CIP Fund)
I.1. Commissioner Troutman Comments.
J.1. Commissioner Braswell Comments.
K.1. Commissioner Santiago Comments.
L.1. Commissioner Scott Comments.
M.1. Chair Wilson Comments.
* County Attorney opening comments
O.1. Public Hearing (LDCT-2024-18 Section 220 Warehouse Separation) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a County-initiated request amending Section 220, Compatibility related to warehouse uses and loading and unloading areas. (No Fiscal Impact)
O.2. Public Hearing (LDCT-2024-22, Section 2.135, Parcel Specific Future Land Use Amendments) (First Reading), to consider the adoption of LDCT-2024-22, an applicant-initiated request to incorporate conditions for development on a site that include additional buffering and development requirements. Related to LDCPAS-2024-27.
P.3. Public Hearing (LDCPAL-2024-9 Deen Still COREX CPA) (Transmittal Hearing) to consider a Future Land Use designation change from Conservation COREX in the Rural Development Area (RDA) and the Rural Special Protection Area (SPA) to Business Park Center-X (BPCX) in the Transit Supportive Development Area (TSDA) and the Ridge SPA and Ronald Regan Selected Area Plan on 7.036± acres. (No Fiscal Impact)
P.1. Public Hearing (LDCDD-2024-7 / Winslow’s Point CDD) to consider the adoption of an applicant-initiated ordinance to establish a new Community Development District (CDD) within the unincorporated area of the County. (No fiscal impact)
P.2. Public Hearing (LDCT-2024-27 SR 60 & Boy Scout Road RCC ACP Text Amendment) (First Reading) to consider the adoption of a joint County and applicant-initiated ordinance amending the Land Development Code to establish the SR 60 & Boy Scout Road Rural Cluster Center Activity Center Plan. No Fiscal Impact.
P.4. Public Hearing (LDCPAL-2024-15 Indian Lake Estates Text CPA) (Transmittal Hearing) for a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan text amendment to Policies 2.130-B3.3 and 2.130B3.4 regarding duplexes in Office Center-X (OCX) and sewer connection in Section 2.130-B Indian Lakes Estates (ILE). This case is related to LDCT-2024-24, a companion Land Development Code Text Amendment. (No Fiscal Impact)
P.5. Public Hearing (LDCT-2024-24 Chapter 4, Section 402.C) (First Reading) to consider the adoption of a County-initiated request to create a new use table for Pre-DRI #2, commonly known as Indian Lake Estates, and add language regarding sewer connections and duplexes in Office Center (OCX) with conditions. No Fiscal Impact