C.1. Comments.
D.1. Approve Consent Agenda.
E.1. Disbursements.
E.2. Minutes of Regular Board meeting held on June 18, 2024.
G.1. Adopt Tentative Assessment Resolution and Assessment Roll for the 2024-25 Excessive Bulk Waste Assessments to be collected by the Uniform Method of Collection of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments on the tax bill. (No fiscal impact)
G.2. Adopt Tentative Assessment Resolution and Assessment Roll for the 2024-25 Nuisance Abatement Assessments to be collected by the Uniform Method of Collection of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments on the tax bill. (No fiscal impact)
G.3. Adopt Residential Waste Program Services Tentative Assessment Resolution setting the Estimated Assessment Rates for Fiscal Year 2024-25. (No fiscal impact)
G.4. Adopt Tentative Rate Resolution for the 2024-25 Fire Services Non-Ad Valorem Assessments.
G.5. Adopt Tentative Rate Resolution for the 2024-25 Street Lighting Assessments. (No fiscal impact)
G.6. Adopt Tentative Rate Resolution for the 2024-25 Central Inwood Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit ("MSBU"). (No fiscal impact)
G.7. Adopt Tentative Rate Resolution for the 2024-25 Southwest Inwood Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit ("MSBU"). (No fiscal impact)
G.8. Adopt Tentative Rate Resolution for the 2024-25 East Bimini Bay Utility Municipal Service Benefit Unit ("MSBU"). (No fiscal impact)
G.9. Adopt Tentative Rate Resolution for the 2024-25 Island Club West Utility Municipal Service Benefit Unit ("MSBU"). (No fiscal impact)
G.10. Adopt Tentative Rate Resolution for the 2024-25 Skyview Utility Municipal Service Benefit Unit ("MSBU"). (No fiscal impact)
H.1. Request Board approve (1) construction contract with MidSouth, Inc. for the Deeson Road lift station and force main improvements project ($2,307,365.50 one-time expense) and (2) CIP Amendment to the FY 23/24 Utilities Community Investment Program Expansion budget and a transfer from reserves in the amount of $250,000.00. This project is partially funded through the American Rescue Plan through the United States Department of Treasury.
H.2. Approve Subcontract Amendment thirteen between the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and Polk County, for the provision of Healthy Families Polk Services for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 ($1,585,843.75 One-time Revenue, $400,000.00 Cash Match Contribution).
H.3. Approve Lease Agreement between Ruthven Business Park II, LLC and Polk County. ($236,000.04, initial estimated annual expense)
I.1. Appoint Merle H. Bishop, FAICP, CPM, as a member of the Polk County Planning Commission, for the three-year term, October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2027.
I.2. Commissioner Lindsey Comments.
J.1. Commissioner Wilson Comments.
K.1. Commissioner Santiago Comments.
L.1. Commissioner Combee Comments.
M.1. Chair Braswell Comments.
N.1. Appoint Michael Phillips as a member of the Tourist Development Council for the four-year term, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2028.
N.2. Appoint Zach Burek as a member of the Tourist Development Council for the four-year term, September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2028.
P.1. PUBLIC HEARING to consider adopting an ordinance providing for publication of legal advertisements and public notices on a publicly accessible website in lieu of using a newspaper when newspaper publication is required by Polk County ordinance, resolution, code, board policy, or administrative order.
P.2. PUBLIC HEARING to consider adoption of an ordinance granting an Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption to an expanding business, Publix Super Markets, Inc., and approval of a Performance Agreement with the company.
P.3. PUBLIC HEARING (LDCT-2024-7 Water Star Text Amendment) (Adoption Hearing) to consider an amendment to the Land Development Code to add Chapter 2, Section 212, Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances, and amend Chapter 2, Section 226, Irrigation Systems. (No Fiscal Impact)