A.1. Reverend Dr. Alex Harper Recognition
A.2. Employee Recognition
C.1. Ella O'Neill - Refuse Collection (Bulk Items).
C.2. Comments.
D.1. Approve Consent Agenda.
D.2. Approve Eloise CRA Consent Agenda.
E.1. Disbursements.
E.2. Minutes of Regular Board meeting held on April 2, 2024.
H.1. Approve a State-Funded Grant Agreement and associated resolution with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) ($3,276,934.00 one-time future revenue)
H.2. Approve Right-of-Way Agreement between Catherine S. Hart and Polk County in conjunction with the County Road 557 Project, Parcel 125. ($1,860,625 one-time expense)
H.3. Approve Right-of-Way Agreement between Timothy Chancy and Polk County in conjunction with the County Road 557 Project, Parcel 135. ($448,422 one-time expense)
H.4. Approve the lnterlocal Agreement between Polk County (County) and the City of Lake Wales (City) for the provision of wholesale wastewater service (County to pay to the City for wastewater capacity in the amount of $1,047,849 and recurring monthly user fees as described in Section 7 of the aforementioned Agreement); budget transfer of $1,047,849 from Northeast Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Electrical and Communication Network Conversion project (American Rescue Plan Funds) and an amendment to the FY 23/24 Utilities Community Investment Program (CIP) Expansion budget.
I.1. Commissioner Lindsey Comments.
J.1. Appoint Jacquelyn Codd, Esq. as a member of the Sidewalk Advisory Committee for the remainder of the two-year term ending September 30, 2025.
J.2. Commissioner Wilson Comments.
K.1. Commissioner Santiago Comments.
L.1. Commissioner Combee Comments.
M.1. Chair Braswell Comments.
* County Attorney opening comments
O.1. Public Hearing (LDCT-2024-2 Townhomes LDC Text Amendment) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a County-initiated request to clarify the approval process and development standards for multi-family townhome developments. (No Fiscal Impact).
O.2. Public Hearing (LDDRI-2023-3 River Ranch DRI Map H Amendment) (Adoption Hearing) to consider an amendment to the River Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI) to add a mixed-use category. (No Fiscal Impact)
O.3. Public Hearing (LDWA-2023-74 Hatchineha Road Access Waiver) to consider the approval of an applicant-initiated request for a waiver to LDC Section 705.B necessary to allow the issuance of building permits for up to four (4) single-family homes on property that gains access solely via an easement that exceeds ¼ mile. (No Fiscal Impact)
P.1. Public Hearing (LDCPAL-2023-9 RCC Text Change CPA) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan text amendment to modify Objectives/Policies in the Future Land Use Element related to the Rural Cluster Center Future Land Use District and activity centers. (No Fiscal Impact)
P.2. Public Hearing (LDCPAL-2023-13 Septic to Sewer Text Change CPA) (Transmittal Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan text amendment to several elements of the Comprehensive Plan will be amended that address new septic tank limitations in areas with Basin Management Action Plans, a new overlay called Nutrient Restoration Plan Overlay (NRPO), and septic tank to sewer conversation in the NRP. This case is related to LDCT-2024-24. (No Fiscal Impact)
P.3. Public Hearing (LDCT-2023-24 Septic to Sewer) (First Reading) to consider the adoption of a County-initiated request to amend the Land Development Code to add the Nutrient Restoration Plan Overlay, restrictions on septic tanks, and definitions. (No Fiscal Impact).
P.4. Public Hearing (LDCU-2024-4 North Lakeland Brownfield Designation) to consider the designation of a 22.5-acre site as a Brownfield. (No Fiscal Impact)
P.5. Public Hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance calling a referendum on November 5, 2024, for proposed amendment to merge the Efficiency Commission with the Charter Review Commission for expense reduction.
P.6. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate platted, unopened, and unmaintained right-of-way (alley) shown on Ransone’s Addition to Bradley Junction, Bradley, Florida. (No fiscal impact)
P.7. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate a portion of platted, unmaintained right-of-way shown as 43rd Street on the Replat of Davenport Terminals in Davenport, Florida. (No fiscal impact)