C.1. Comments.
D.1. Approve Consent Agenda.
E.1. Disbursements.
E.2. Minutes of Regular Board meeting held on March 19, 2024.
F.1. Update on the Polk Regional Water Cooperative - Eric DeHaven, P.E., PRWC Executive Director
G.1. Approve the release of a surety in the amount of $380,375.54 in the form of Performance Bond No. GM226202 for One College Place. (No fiscal impact)
G.2. Approve the release of a warranty and surety in the amount of $243,409.46 in the form of Maintenance Bond No. GM 204417 for Astonia North. (No fiscal impact)
H.1. Approve a ten-year Sponsorship and Host Agreement with RussMatt LLC beginning in FY 23/24 through FY 32/33. ($2,093,000.00 estimated expense over ten years)
H.2. Approve the contract with Peace River Center for Personal Development, Inc. for uncompensated inpatient psychiatric services. (Not to exceed $1,492,262 annually)
H.3. Approve Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Grant Agreement No. WRP08 with Polk County to co-fund the Lake Lulu Wetland Restoration Project. (one-time revenue by FDEP in the amount of $375,000 and $375,000 Polk County match)
H.4. Approve agreement with Dream Traxx, LLC to design and build a world class motocross track at Bone Valley ATV Park. ($240,075.00 one-time expense)
H.5. Approve staff to pursue acquisition of the site nominated to the Environmental Lands Program. Conservation Land Acquisition Selection Advisory Committee (CLASAC) recommends pursuing acquisition of EL-116-24. (no fiscal impact)
H.6. Approve staff to pursue acquisition of the site nominated to the Environmental Lands Program. Conservation Land Acquisition Selection Advisory Committee (CLASAC) recommends pursuing acquisition of EL-117-24. (no fiscal impact)
H.7. Approve staff to pursue acquisition of the site nominated to the Environmental Lands Program. Conservation Land Acquisition Selection Advisory Committee (CLASAC) recommends pursuing acquisition of EL-118-24. (no fiscal impact)
I.1. Commissioner Lindsey Comments.
J.1. Commissioner Wilson Comments.
K.1. Commissioner Santiago Comments.
L.1. Re-appoint Stephen Kalogridis to serve as a member of the Housing Finance Authority for the four-year term, March 1, 2024, to February 29, 2028.
L.2. Commissioner Combee Comments.
M.1. Chair Braswell Comments.
* County Attorney opening comments
O.1. Public Hearing (LDCT-2024-2 Townhomes LDC Text Amendment) (First Reading) to consider the adoption of a County-initiated request to clarify the approval process and development standards for multi-family townhome developments. (No Fiscal Impact).
P.1. Public Hearing (LDCDD-2024-1 / Grenelefe CDD) to consider the adoption of an applicant-initiated ordinance to establish a new Community Development District (CDD) the unincorporated area of the county. (No fiscal impact
P.2. Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of a Resolution Allowing for the Installation of Three Traffic Calming Devices (Speed Humps) on Lichtenwalter Road, Near Winter Haven. (estimated $15,000.00 one-time expense)