A.1. Employee Recognition
C.1. Comments.
D.1. Approve Consent Agenda.
E.1. Disbursements.
E.2. Minutes of Regular Board meeting held on January 9, 2024.
G.1. Adopt a resolution authorizing deviation from approved procedures for source selection as set out in the Polk County Procurement Ordinance and Purchasing Procedures Manual for review of the management of the Fire Rescue Division.
G.2. Authorize the County Attorney’s Office and County staff to take the necessary actions to prevent commercial truck traffic on Bryant Road and adopt Resolution Setting Truck Restrictions on Bryant Road (near Lakeland).
H.1. Execute a Local Government Deficient Bridge (LGDB) Program Agreement No. 439441-1-C2-52, 439441-1-52-01, 439441-1-62-01, and 439441-1-62-08 with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), resolution and amend the Roads & Drainage FY 23/24 CIP Budget to establish the Countyline Rd over Peace River Bridge 160101 Replacement Project and associated budget transfer. ($4,956,658.00 one-time expense)
H.2. Approve Standard Grant Agreement #INV37 with the State of Florida - Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to provide funding for the project: “Phosphorus Remediation in Lake Deeson and Bear Branch” ($870,000 one-time revenue).
H.3. Approve the contract with Central Florida Health Care, Inc. to provide funding for supplies and equipment needed in the expansion of their Frostproof location. (Total amount not to exceed $538,856.)
H.4. Confirm appointment of Ryan Kordek to serve as Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Director.
I.1. Commissioner Lindsey Comments.
J.1. Commissioner Wilson Comments.
K.1. Commissioner Santiago Comments.
L.1. Commissioner Combee Comments.
M.1. Chair Braswell Comments.
* County Attorney opening comments
O.1. Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2023-25 Bella Vista LR to BPC CPA) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use designation from Leisure/Recreation (L/R) to Business Park Center (BPC) on 42.47± acres, within the Transit Supportive Development Area (TSDA), Transit Centers and Corridor Overlay (TCCO). This case is related to LDCD-2023-9, a Sub-district change request from BPC-1 to BPC-2. (No Fiscal Impact)
O.2. Public Hearing (LDCD-2023-9 Bella Vista Sub-district BPC-1 to BPC-2) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Sub-district change from Business Park Center-1 (BPC-1) to Business Park Center-2 (BPC-2) on 42.47± acres, within the Transit Supportive Development Area (TSDA), Transit Centers and Corridor Overlay (TCCO). This case is related to LDCPAS-2023-25, a Land Use change request from L/R to BPC. (No Fiscal Impact)
O.3. Public Hearing (LDCPAS-2023-22 ABC Road CPA) (Adoption Hearing) to consider the adoption of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use designation from Agricultural/Residential-Rural X (A/RRX) to Employment Center X (ECX) within the Gateway Selected Area Plan (SAP) on 1.46± acres, within the Rural Development Area (RDA). (No Fiscal Impact)
O.4. Public Hearing (LDCT-2023-18 Livestock and Fowl in Residential Neighborhoods) (Adoption Hearing), a County-initiated request to modify Section 222 to clarify the County’s code on nonresidential farm buildings and structures and allow variances to setback distances. (No Fiscal Impact).
P.1. Public Hearing (LDCDD-2023-3 Crosswinds East CDD Scrivener’s Error) to consider the adoption of an applicant-initiated ordinance to amend an existing Community Development District (CDD) in the unincorporated area of the County and Haines City.
P.2. Public Hearing (LDWA-2023-55/Ventures Subdivision Waiver) to consider the adoption of an applicant-initiated request for approval of a waiver to LDC Section 705.B necessary to allow the issuance of building permits for a subdivision that gains access solely via easement and provides access to more than four (4) lots. (No fiscal impact)
P.3. Public Hearing to consider the adoption of LDCT-2023-7 (Planned Development Text) to replace the current Planned Development (PD) requirements in Section 303 of the Land Development Code. This amendment includes changes to multiple chapters of the code including Chapters 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10. (First Reading)