INVOCATION 1. Pastor Peter Grant, Parkway Baptist Church, Lakeland PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (RICK WILSON, CHAIRMAN)
2. Recognition of employees with more than 20 years of service to Polk County.
4. Approve Consent Agenda.
5. Disbursements.
6. Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting held on September 7, 2021.
7. Approve Astonia North Plat for Conditional Approval. (No fiscal impact)
8. Approve and ratify Letter of Agreement from the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) for the Public Emergency Medical Transportation Medicaid Managed Care Supplement Payment Program. ($1,735,013.17 not-to-exceed, one-time expense)
9. Approve Letter of Agreement from the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) for Central Florida Health Care request for matching funds through the Low Income Pool (LIP). ($778,673 not-to-exceed one-time expense)
10. Approve renewal agreement for core public health services with the Florida Department of Health in Polk County. ($380,000 not-to-exceed one-time expense)
11. Commissioner Lindsey Comments.
12. Commissioner Braswell Comments.
13. Commissioner Santiago Comments.
14. Commissioner Combee Comments.
17. Chairman Wilson Comments.
15. Appoint Tina A. Peak, MLS, as a member of the Polk County Historical Commission, representing Polk County Library Cooperative (Seat 9), for the three-year term, October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2024.
16. Reappoint Richard A. Fifer as an At-Large (Seat 8) Member of the Polk County Historical Commission, for the three-year term, October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2024.
18. Appoint Pamela D. McNeil to serve on the Community Relations Advisory Council for the four-year term, September 21, 2021 through September 20, 2025.
19. Reappoint William G. Land to the Tohopekaliga Water Authority (TWA) Board of Supervisors for the three-year term, October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2024.
* County Attorney opening comments
20. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate platted, unopened, and unmaintained right-of-way as shown on the plat of Poinsettia Park.
21. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution to vacate platted, unopened, and unmaintained rights-of-way as shown on the Revised Plat of Crooked Lake Subdivision, recorded at Plat Book 27, Page 47.
22. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a resolution to vacate a platted, unmaintained drainage canal and drainage easement as shown on the Plat of Conine Heights, Winter Haven.
23. Public Hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution allowing for the installation of nine traffic calming devices (speed humps) on Twenty-Sixth Street Northwest, near Winter Haven. ($45,000 estimated one-time expense)
24. Public Hearing (LDCU-2021-15 Sutton MH De Novo Hearing) to consider an appeal to the Planning Commission’s decision to approve LDCU-2021-15.
25. Public Hearing (LDPD-2021-17 Touchstone Residential PD De Novo Hearing) to consider an appeal to the Planning Commission’s decision to approve LDPD-2021-17.
26. Public Hearing (LDCPAL-2021-6 Mims RV Park) (Transmittal Hearing) to consider a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use (FLU) designation on 979.65 +/- acres from Phosphate Mining (PM) and Agricultural/ Residential-Rural (A/RR) to Leisure Recreation (LR) in the Rural Development Area (RDA).
27. Public Hearing (LDCD-2021-10 Dranefield Sub-District Change) to consider a Sub-District Map change from Business Park Center-1 (BPC-1) to Business Park Center-2 (BPC-2) on +/- 9.51 acres.
28. Public Hearing (LDPD-2021-23 Brooklyn Meadows MHP) (Adoption Hearing) to consider a Planned Development request for a 46-unit Mobile Home Park with amenities on approximately 9.2 acres in a Residential Low-2 (RL-2) district.
29. Public Hearing (LDCT-2021-10 Land Use Hearing Officer Expansion)(First Hearing - No Action) to consider a county-initiated ordinance amending the Land Development Code to expand the types of applications heard by the Land Use Hearing Officer and to revise the appeal process.